128IDBS -- Information Systems and Database Systems

Weekly load 2+3 Credits 6
Semester W, S Assessment Z, ZK

Fundamental terms, information systems architecture, information system lifecycle, approaches to information system development, business process modeling using Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and Unified Modeling Language (UML), information system modeling using UML, data modeling using ER diagrams, design of primary system database, database implementation using Structured Query Language (SQL), data retrieval from transaction systems and data processing, management information systems, OLAP measures and dimensions design and implementation, results reporting using pivot charts and tables.

Goals of Study:
Goal of the subject is to gain knowledge in branch of information systems. This includes ability to model and manage business processes, define requirements on information systems of enterprises, managing databases, data retrieval from databases and results reporting using pivot charts and tables.

Outline of Lectures:
1 - 2. Explanation of keywords (data, information, knowledge, information system), architectures of information systems, information systems lifecycle, approaches to information system development
3 - 4. Process modeling using Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)
5 - 6. Software requirements design using Unified Modeling Language (UML) - use case modeling, activity diagrams, state machine diagrams
7. Entity Relationship diagram, data model normalization
8. Data modeling using ER diagram, SQL - data types
9. SQL - database implementation
10 - 11. SQL - data retrieval
12. Management information systems, OLAP measures and dimensions, pivot tables and charts

Outline of Excercises:
1. Rich picture, Process hierarchy diagram
2 - 3. Business process modeling using BPMN
4 - 5. Business process modeling using UML (activity diagrams)
6 - 8. Use case diagram and use cases description
9 - 10. Activity diagram
11. State machine diagram
12. Entity relationship diagram
13. Data model normalization
14 - 17. Relational database design and implementation
18 - 21. Data retrieval from databases, data processing and reporting.

Recommended literature:
ARLOW, J.: UML 2 and the unified process: practical object-oriented analysis and design, 2005 AMBLER, S.: The elements of UML 2.0 style, 2005 Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). Documents Associated with Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) Version 2.0, 2011 MySQL Reference Manuals THOMSEN, E.: OLAP solutions: multidimensional information systems, 2002

Information system, business process, BPMN, UML, SQL, use case modeling, ER model, information system architecture, information system lifecycle, management information system, OLAP, MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP, relational database, pivot table, pivot chart

Teacher: Ing. Kaiser Jiří Ph.D.