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Associate Professors
Doc. Ing. Dalibor Vytlačil, CSc . B-402 4507 vytlacil head of department
Doc. RNDr. Jiří Demel, CSc . B-410 4824 demel deputy head of department
Assistant Professors
Ing. Jiří Kaiser, Ph.D. . B-406 4508 jiri.kaiser
Ing. Jana Kučerová, CSc B-404 4504 kucerova kos
Ing. Miroslav Sůra, CSc . B-414 4515 sura study schedule
RNDr. Tomáš Vaníček, Ph.D. . B-407 4509 vanicek
Other Employees
Jana Pavlová . B-403 4514 pavlova secretary
Ph. D. Studenets
Ing. Martin Dědič B-409 4512 martin.dedic
Ing. Martin Hotový B-409 4512 martin.hotovy
Ing. Filip Klimeš B-409 4512 filip.klimes
Ing. Pavel Kresteš B-409 4512 pavel.krestes
Ing. Pavel Kulmon B-409 4512 pavel.kulmon
Ing. Josef Myslín B-409 4512 josef.myslin
Ing. Richard Pinka B-409 4512 richard.pinka
Ing. Kristýna Prušková B-409 4512 kristyna.pruskova
Ing. Jan Rádl B-409 4512 jan.radl
Ing. Marian Smutný B-409 4512 marian.smutny
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