Title | Lecturer | Weekly load | Credits | Semester | Assessment | Code |
Computer Use Fundamentals | Miroslav Sůra | 0 + 2 | 2 | S | Z | 128yind |
Graphs and their Applications | Jiří Demel | 2 + 0 | 4 | W | ZK | 128ga10 |
Information Systems and Database Systems | Jiří Kaiser | 2 + 3 | 6 | W, S | Z, ZK | 128idbs |
Optimization and Operations Research 10 | Jana Kučerová | 2 + 2 | 4 | W | Z, ZK | 128or10 |
Optimization and Operations Research 20 | Jana Kučerová | 2 + 2 | 4 | S | Z, ZK | 128or20 |
Proces Modeling and Data Formats for BIM | Jiří Kaiser | 1 + 2 | 4 | W, S | Z, ZK | 128pmdb |
System Dynamics | Dalibor Vytlačil | 2 + 2 | 4 | W, S | Z, ZK | 128sdy |